see our fun events this week!
What’s Happening @ ROC?
This week at ROC there is a Co-Ed Bible study Wednesday night at 7:30PM
-On December 12 at 7:30PM, our ROC Men’s GOM (Gathering of Men) Bible study takes place at the home of PD (Pastor Dave) at 14 Beverly Rd in Piscataway. Food, Fire Pit, Bible talk, NFL Football and Fun! Rides are available,but let us know if you need one. Pick ups will occur at the front of the Livi Student Center at 7:15PM Call or text 732-406-7821 for Deets. But you MUST RSVP us at least the day before.
-Join us this Sunday 12 noon at www.Rutgers.Church, at 100 College Ave. in New Brunswick Free brunch starts 11:30 AM.
#njchurch #churchatrutgers #roc